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March Meetups

03/23 - 9am EST - 30min

Guided Meditation for Anxiety (beginners)

15 minutes simplifying the idea of meditation

15 minutes of guided practice

Optional +15 minutes for discussions and Q&A

03/24 - 8:30 pm - 1h

Full Moon, Eclipse, and Beginning of the Astrological Year Women's Circle

15 minutes for an overview of activities
10 minutes guided gratitude meditation
10 minutes of reflective writing on letting go
15 minutes setting intentions for the new year
10 minutes silent meditation
30 minutes (optional) for sharing and allowing our intentions to

resonate in the universe

03/30 - 9am - 1h

Scripting Your Dreams

Bring paper and a pen!
Workshop on transforming abstract dreams into tangible goals through

practical and simple planning

03/31 - 21:00 - 1h

Open Energy Healing Session

Here you will have the opportunity to bring a specific situation, or visualize projects, circumstances, relationships or people to whom you want to receive or send healing energies.

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